The Best B2B eCommerce Platforms of 2024

Published on: June 4, 2024

We started 3Dots Commerce as an idea where we wanted to build the best business-to-business eCommerce platform, and normally our first step was to do thorough research. Who would our competitors be? What features do they offer? What kind of businesses need secure and adaptable solutions for online selling? Can we PHP the s*it out of that to perfection? (Hint: Yes, we CAN. And yes, we did!) And most importantly, how can we address the pain points that existing B2B eCommerce platforms aren’t solving?

After all, the best way to stand out is to offer something that no other platform has, but every serious business craves for.

We were surprised by the answers we found, but they made sense. The world of B2B buying is changing, and enterprise businesses need a platform that can keep up.

So, we built 3Dots Commerce, and it’s awesome. But before we go into that, let’s see the importance of using a solid B2B business commerce platform.

Importance of B2B eCommerce

B2B eCommerce was never just a trend. It’s the future of how business-to-business sales will evolve.

Here’s why:

  • Changing Buyer Preferences: 83% of B2B buyers prefer to purchase online rather than deal directly with a salesperson, as reported by Gartner. This means that if you don’t have an online presence, you’re missing out on potential customers. A big chunk of them.
  • Competitive Advantage: B2B companies view a strong eCommerce platform as critical to driving sales growth. Those who successfully transition reap the benefits of greater reach, operational efficiency, and the ability to scale more easily.
  • 24/7 Availability: Unlike traditional sales channels, B2B eCommerce platforms are ‘always open.’ This empowers your customers to research, compare, and make purchases on their own schedule, even outside of business hours.

Brief Overview of What B2B eCommerce Platforms Are

B2B eCommerce platforms are specifically designed to meet the unique needs of business-to-business transactions. Unlike B2C (business-to-consumer) platforms that focus on individual shoppers, B2B platforms generally handle:

  • Complex Pricing Models: Wholesale pricing, volume discounts, and contract-specific pricing structures.
  • Large Orders: Features that support bulk ordering, reordering, and streamlined inventory management.
  • Account-Based Buying: The ability to create self-serve portals for customers, with customized product views and personalized experiences.

Ready to Dive Deeper?

Let’s explore the essential features that make a B2B eCommerce platform truly exceptional.

Key Features to Look for in a B2B eCommerce Platform

Generic catalogs and one-size-fits-all pricing won’t cut it in B2B. Your clients are unique, and your platform needs to be able to reflect those differences.

Here’s what to look for:

  • Flexible Product Displays: The right platform empowers you to tailor product information to different customer groups. Need to show in-depth specs to engineers, but keep things streamlined for procurement teams? Can you highlight compatible items or essential safety data? Customization isn’t optional, it’s table stakes.
  • Customer-Specific Pricing: Loyalty programs, volume discounts, contract-based rates… these are the lifeblood of B2B sales. Can your platform handle it all seamlessly? Imagine the frustration if a top customer sees the same pricing as a first-time buyer. Get this wrong, and you erode trust.
  • Tiered Pricing: Selling in bulk is common practice. The best platforms make it a breeze to offer quantity-based discounts, encouraging the large orders that drive your bottom line.
  • Catalog Restrictions for B2C and B2B customers: Protect sensitive information and create exclusive catalogs. This level of control is vital for managing diverse b2b customer types and complex pricing structures.
  • Technical Data: Does your product involve complex specs, compatibility charts, or certifications? Your platform MUST present this clearly and feature advanced filtering options to help buyers find exactly what they need.
  • Negotiated Pricing: Not every B2B deal is set in stone. Look for platforms that allow buyers to submit pricing requests, streamlining negotiations and keeping everything within the convenience of your online store.
  • Price Transparency: Can you update pricing easily, keep track of changes, and clearly communicate all this to your customers? A clunky system here breeds mistrust and leads to extra work for your team.

The Bottom Line: Your pricing models and product information are how you communicate value. Don’t let a rigid eCommerce platform stifle your ability to close deals and make your customers feel understood.

Example: You run a manufacturing firm selling industrial components. Wholesale buyers get negotiated rates, engineers need detailed specs, and new prospects just want to see what you offer. With the right B2B eCommerce platform, each group has a seamless, personalized experience that drives sales.

Top B2B eCommerce Platforms

Kicking things off with 3Dots Commerce, as that’s the website that you’ve landed on, and as it happens, we believe that our platform is the best solution for enterprise B2B and B2C ecommerce sites.

3Dots Commerce

Our platform combines cutting-edge AI, a headless architecture, and a “we’re your partners” philosophy to deliver an ecommerce experience as smooth as it is scalable. We didn’t pop up yesterday. We are backed by a company that has two decades of software development expertise, as we believe that knowledge and experience is everything. 3Dots delivers a platform engineered for security, powered by the latest technologies, and backed by people committed to seeing you succeed.

See Your Products, Don’t Just Show Them

3Dots Commerce is capable to transform your store with 3D models and immersive VR experiences. Customers don’t just see your products – they interact with them. Texture, detail, scale – it’s the next best thing to being there.

The Tech Stack

  • Headless: Flexibility other platforms can only dream of.
  • AI-Powered: Smarter recommendations, search, and personalization.
  • Secure: Peace of mind is good business.
  • Progressive Tech: We embrace the future, so you don’t get left behind.
  • API Mastery: Unlocks the potential of your existing systems.

3Dots vs. The Rest

  • We’re Invested, Not Transactional: Your success is our success. That means custom solutions and understanding your industry’s unique needs.
  • Flexibility to Fit: SaaS, PaaS, IaaS – we build around you.
  • Integrations Done Right: Seamlessly connect your ERP, CRM, and more.

3Dots is Built For You

  • Effortless Product Management: Even complex product configurations become a breeze for B2B sellers.
  • See It in 360°: 3D models mean fewer surprises, happier customers.
  • Go Global: Multiple languages and currencies built right in.
  • Incomplete Data? No Problem: Our platform helps you identify what’s missing.

Support That’s Actually Supportive

We are Human Intelligence first, human experts second, and all of that enhanced by cutting-edge AI, available 24/7. We don’t just fix problems, we help you outgrow them.

Mobile: Not An Afterthought

  • Instant Deployment, Custom Look: Get your mobile store live in a flash.
  • Mobile-First = Sales-First: Optimized design, tap-to-pay, voice search – it’s all here.

Rise with the “Free Willy” Program

Are you an ecommerce innovator struggling for resources? Our “Free Willy” program is on the lookout. We believe in great ideas – let’s explore how we can invest in yours, freeing you to make a splash.

Who Trusts 3Dots?

Shopify Plus

Shopify Plus is a comprehensive ecommerce platform designed for high-volume businesses. It’s known for its user-friendly interface, robust features, and ability to scale as your business grows. Key features include unlimited bandwidth, advanced analytics, customizable checkout, and a vast app ecosystem. Shopify Plus also offers dedicated account management and 24/7 priority support.

Target Audience

Ideal for fast-growing, established brands with high sales volumes looking for a reliable, user-friendly platform. Companies like Gymshark and Kylie Cosmetics leverage Shopify Plus for its adaptability.

Nuances of Costs

While the pricing starts high, Shopify Plus’s potential for app add-ons can further increase expenses.


  • Easy to set up and use
  • Highly customizable themes
  • Extensive app marketplace
  • Reliable hosting and security


  • Limited control over backend code
  • Higher transaction fees than some competitors
  • Add-ons can get expensive

BigCommerce B2B Edition

BigCommerce B2B Edition is tailored specifically to the needs of business-to-business ecommerce. It offers tools for complex pricing structures, customer group management, and streamlined quote creation. Key features include custom price lists, customer-specific catalogs, net payment terms, and robust APIs for seamless integration with systems like ERP and CRM.

Target Audience

Suited for mid-size to larger B2B operations, or those expecting to scale into this territory. Companies like Skullcandy and Ben & Jerry’s rely on BigCommerce’s B2B capabilities.

Nuances of Costs

While there are no transaction fees, BigCommerce has sales volume thresholds that can trigger a shift to a higher-priced plan.


  • Built-in B2B functionality
  • Flexible APIs for integration
  • No transaction fees
  • Strong SEO capabilities


  • Steeper learning curve than some platforms
  • Limited free themes compared to competitors
  • Some features require developer skills

Adobe Commerce

Adobe Commerce (formerly Magento) is an enterprise-level ecommerce solution known for maximum flexibility and scalability. It provides a vast array of features, including multi-store functionality, advanced SEO, and customer segmentation. The platform also offers powerful marketing tools for targeted promotions and abandoned cart recovery. While highly customizable, it necessitates technical expertise.

Target Audience

Designed for true enterprise-grade needs, large-scale operations, and companies desiring extensive customization. Brands like Ford and Nike have utilized Magento’s power.

Nuances of Costs

Magen Open Source is still free, but due to its open-source nature, additional costs include self-hosting, maintenance, and reliance on a development team. Security also has a heavier dependence on in-house or agency expertise. Adobe (Magento) Commerce on the other hand is a paid solution.


  • Extremely flexible and customizable
  • Robust set of features out-of-the-box
  • Strong developer community and ecosystem
  • Ideal for large catalogs and high-volume sales


  • Steep learning curve; requires technical skills
  • Higher cost than SaaS platforms
  • Longer development time for customization

Factors to Consider When Choosing a B2B eCommerce Platform

Choosing the right B2B eCommerce platform is a major decision. Get it right, and you’ve got a growth engine. Choose poorly, and you face costly migrations and frustrated customers. So, how do you find your perfect fit?

  • Your Specific Requirements: There’s no such thing as a “one size fits all” in B2B. Do you need complex contract pricing? Integration with legacy systems? Advanced inventory management? Be honest about your MUST-HAVES, not just the nice-to-haves.
  • Ease of Use & Customization: Your team will be living in this platform. Can you manage products, orders, and customer accounts without headaches? How easily can you tailor the look and feel to match your brand?
  • Scalability: Will next year’s growth break your online store? Consider not just your current volume, but where you WANT to be in a few years. Think in terms of customers, products, and order complexity.
  • Budget: Initial setup is just part of the equation. Look at the total cost of ownership: licensing, support, updates, and potential transaction fees. A “cheap” solution can quickly become expensive if it’s nickel-and-diming you.
  • Support & Resources Can you access help when things go wrong? Is there a robust knowledge base or community to tap into? Even the best technology needs a good support team behind it. Otherwise, you risk downtime and a frustrating customer experience.

Stats Power-Up: 80% of B2B companies say providing a seamless customer experience across all channels is their top challenge. Can your platform play nicely with your existing systems and sales channels?

Implementing and Optimizing Your B2B eCommerce Platform

Alright, you’ve selected a platform… Is it 3Dots? Tell us in the comments below. But now what? Launching your B2B store is the first step, but ongoing optimization is what separates good from truly exceptional.

Here’s how to set yourself up for success:

  • Importance of Proper Implementation: A rushed setup leads to problems down the line. Invest time in thorough data import, testing, and integration with other systems (think ERP, CRM). It might feel slower initially, but it saves you headaches in the long run.
  • Best Practices for Optimization: Think of your B2B site as a living, evolving sales machine.
  • User Experience (UX): Can customers find what they need quickly? Is the account creation and checkout process intuitive? Even small friction points can lead to abandoned carts.
  • Product Data: Rich descriptions, clear specs, and helpful images are essential for B2B buyers. Missing or messy data erodes confidence. Make it easy for customers to self-serve.
  • Personalization: Can you segment customers and deliver tailored experiences? Personalized product recommendations and targeted promotions can boost engagement and drive larger orders. Research has found that personalized B2B eCommerce can lead to a 13% revenue jump!

Measuring Success: Track these key metrics to guide your optimization efforts:

  • Conversion Rate
  • Average Order Value
  • Cart Abandonment
  • Customer Lifetime Value

Don’t settle for “good enough”! Continuously analyze your data, gather feedback, and refine your approach to create a B2B eCommerce experience that truly empowers your customers and fuels your growth.


We get it. B2B eCommerce can feel intimidating. Complex pricing, demanding customers, the ever-present need to stay ahead of the competition… it’s enough to make you want to cling to your old ways. But here’s the thing: The old ways aren’t going to cut it for much longer.

Choosing the right B2B eCommerce platform isn’t just about having a website where people can buy stuff. It’s about empowering your customers with a self-service experience that makes their jobs easier. It’s about streamlining your operations to keep up with growing demand. And most importantly, it’s about building a foundation for the future, where technology is your partner, not an obstacle.

Think of it this way: Is your current way of doing B2B sales holding you back? Are you losing sales because your processes feel “Legacy”? Is your team spending too much time on manual tasks? If the answer is even a slight “maybe,” then you owe it to yourself to explore the possibilities.
